LIFE IMPETUS - International Final Conference
05/12/2019 - 09:30 a 17:30
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  • Compostos Farmacêuticos
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No próximo dia 5 de dezembro de 2019 irá realizar-se no LNEC a Conferência Final Internacional LIFE Impetus - Improving current barriers for controlling pharmaceutical compounds in urban wastewater treatment plants .
A participação é gratuita sujeita a inscrição prévia. Live streaming disponível. A conferência decorrerá na língua inglesa.


The LIFE Impetus International Final Conference will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on 5 December 2019 at LNEC Congress Centre.

The objectives of the conference are to present and discuss the project outcomes.

The conference will gather the LIFE Impetus Project Partners and Stakeholders’ Panel, two invited speakers and members from networking LIFE projects, as well as the water industry, water professionals, technology providers, press and general public.